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Let’s get animated 1.1

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Let’s get animated 1.1



I’m back and today is facebook Friday. When I was going through my facebook, I found an article that interested me, which led me to think about how to collaborate social media with the trending ways discussed in the following article.

If you read the article it discusses how Google plus will be becoming popular in 2014, so one should synergize social media with search optimization. Optimize content for search is the road to success this year.

Promote your email with social media and vice versa for better use of social media with the trending marketing sources. Emails have been the first source of communication when technology was introduced and will remain to be an unchallenged winner of communication technique. Everyone has an email address, and everyone checks their email everyday, so you can’t run away from advertisers in your inbox.

A person can use social media for promotion of live events. This is being used widely by many companies to promote their upcoming events on different social media sources, best example can be of the Oscars 2014. Ellen’s Oscar selfie flooded all around on twitter and succeeded to become the most watched Oscar in comparison to it’s history.
Using social media for feedback of your consumers, fans etc is the latest tool for improving your product, your work etc. Stars use it, companies use it, ask for their input and execute on their advice.

Social media works best when it’s part of something bigger, so are you ready with something bigger.
And that’s the way it is and I’m outta here ……

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